Michele has been lecturing and co-creating teacher training courses since 2017.
Currently he is lecturing at Summer Healing Yoga on their 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training course: https://summerhealing.org/ytt
YIN YOGA TRAINING Mickey is running his next Yin 50 hour Teacher Training at Summer Healing PMA from 31 Jan - 3 Feb 2024
This 50-hour detailed programme has been created for certified and aspiring yoga teachers, as well as dedicated yoga students who simply wish to delve more into the world of yin yoga for their own practice. For more information, please send me a private message for the full prospectus.
Soul Yin Touch - Yin YTTC & Thai Bodywork Training
Embrace Presence & Awareness
What’s the purpose of the SOUL YIN TOUCH Essentials Retreat?
Being 100% present is very rare these days. Our attention capacity diminished in our daily life drastically, which has also an effect on human to human connection as a whole and therefore on our well-being and the immune system. Stress levels may raise, and we are more susceptible of feeling anxious, angry, and eating unhealthy food.
The SOUL YIN TOUCH Retreat was developed to raise presence & awareness with oneself, another & the surrounding nature. Using the practices of Yin Yoga, Qi Gong & Bodywork, stress levels may be released and peace is invited back into our lives. Excursions to a wonderful place in nature and healthy, ecological food from Gaia Retreat Center are offered in order to connect to nature and stimulate all your senses.
Once feeling more balanced again, we can offer more awareness to the food we eat, to the movement our body is asking for, with whom we want to spend time with, the work we want to concentrate on, and the life we really want to live. Going back to basics and practice being present & aware offers the support to connect back to your essence, your true nature.
The SOUL YIN TOUCH Essentials Retreat is a re-awakening of all the senses: ~ touching from your heart ~ listening with pure presence ~ seeing another with the eyes of compassion ~ smelling nature in its purity ~ tasting food consciously with pure pleasure ~ A beautiful journey back to a ‘human being’ rather than a ‘human doing’. For more info and bookings click here